The Social Scene
Where neighbors become lifelong friends
Friendly folks live in Soleil Laurel Canyon. Don’t know anyone here? It’s easy to meet new friends through the amenities, clubs, sports and social activities our community offers. These groups share common interests from golf to bridge to a passion for hiking scenic mountain trails. Soleil Laurel Canyon residents bond with their community, and neighbors become lifelong friends.

Sampling of Soleil Laurel Canyon Clubs & Activities
Billiards – Individuals and Couples
Book Clubs
Bowling Teams
Bridge & other Card Groups
Christian Fellowship Clubs
Cooking Clubs - Men, Women, Coed
Fire-Up Kiln Club
Garden Club
Genealogy Club
Golf Clubs
Hiking Club
Knit ’n Stitch Knitting
Lady Bug Quilters
Laurel Canyon Optimist Club
Mah Jong Groups
Men’s Breakfast Group
Mosaic Club
Photography Club
Poker Groups
Railroaders Club
Residents Theater
Shalom Club
Singles Groups
Soleil Singers
Table Tennis
Veterans Club
World-Class Tennis & Pickleball
Some of our regularly
scheduled activities
Arts & Crafts classes
Cooking demonstrations
Dance classes
Exercise classes
Game night
Karaoke night
Monday night football
Personal training
Trivia night